1,000 two year old survivor strain brown trout. (those will average 14-18" judging from years past, and they are super FAT). We are seeing a few Hendricksons on the water and the hatch should be in full swing by the weekend.
So things are looking very good indeed, and us poor suffering souls that work at UpCountry won't have to listen to everybody whine that "the water's too high!!". Thank goodness, haha. At current flows, you can access almost all of the river, and nymphs, wets, dries & streamers are all possibilities. The warmer weather here to stay now will push water temps into the 50's by the weekend, and this should get both get the Hendricksons hatching & the trout feeding more actively. The problem this March/April has been cooler than normal water temps has made the trout lethargic. That will all change now! We were seeing a few Henny's hatch starting a good week ago, but the return to colder temps stalled the hatch out. Ultimately that's a good thing, as now the flow is down and the TMA will be LOADED with trout for this weekend.
who have found pods of freshly stocked trout recently
have racked up the biggest catches, but some bigger holdovers are
mixing in here & there. Fish a spot, but if it's not producing,
move on, don't linger. Lately the more water I cover lately, the better
I do. I might come up empty in 2-3 spots, and then bang fish in the
4th. Nymphs & deeply/slowly fished streamers are the most reliable
fish catchers in the cooler waters of the early season, doubly so when
flows are up. The dry fly guys have been back at it when flows have
been normal, and catching some fish at moments (ideally look for days
without much wind)- overall the dry fly fishing has been slow lately
though. This will change rapidly as water drops & warms this week,
and we
start to get into the hatch cycle. The Winter Caddis (AM) are waning
but you may still see some, in the afternoons you should see Oives
(#16-18 Baetis Vagans), Midges (#20-28) & still a few Early Black
(#12-16). I would guess the Hendricksons will be a full-blown hatch by this weekend.
Subsurface, try fishing Hendrickson nymphs, Bruce Marino & Rich Strolis both tie us DEADLY
nymps for this- ask and we will point you toward them. Hendrickson
nymphs catch me a lot of BIG trout in April/May. A bigger #12-14
Pheasant Tail can also work well. Hendrickson Nymph patterns can also
pull double-duty as early season stoneflies. #16 Olive nymphs imitating
Baetis Vagans are also a good choice now, they are just starting up.
Early Black & Early Brown Stoneflies (sz 12-16), Pheasant Tails (sz
12-18), olive/green caddis larva (sz 8-16), cased caddis larva (sz
8-16), midge larva/pupa (sz 16-20, especially in red), attractor nymphs
(sz 12-18 in Red Headed Stepchild, Copper Johns, blue Lightning Bugs,
Yellow Prince, Rainbow Warrior, and egg flies (sz 10-18) are still a
good choice. Don't be afraid
to fish some some gaudier/flashy/attractor-type nymphs, the trout
sometimes show a preference for them, doubly true for recently stocked
you are fishing streamers, try all sorts of retrieves &
presentations from slow to fast, the trout will tell you how they want
it if you listen to them. Try using a floating line and
slowly bouncing/hopping a weighted Fishskull Skulpin Bunny on the
bottom- use a 0x-2x tippet with this pattern & method, that fly is
heavily front-weighted and rides hook point up. If you are using
unweighted or lightly weighted streamers, use something to get them
down- sinking line, sink-tip line, sinking leader, or split shot. Slow
& deep is typically the name of the game in early spring, until
water temps get over
50 degrees and stay there (anytime now).