I won't bore you with the long version, but suffice it to say I went back and hooked & landed the big brown that busted me off in a snag on Thursday. It took about 200 casts and multiple fly changes, but I finally hooked him on a nymph, and this time I instantly pressured him hard and literally ran away from the snag, pulling him in tow with me. When I set the hook, there was a veritable explosion as my surprised trophy came to the surface and violently thrashed his head. As you can see it's a perfect specimen of a male brown, with great color, an intact adipose, no clips or dye marks, perfect & large fins, perfect tail, and an iridescent bluish gill plate - in my estimation this is probably a wild brown, love that. I guessed him Thursday in the low 20" range when I lost him, and sure enough he measured out over 20". It's nice when a plan comes together and you get a second chance. -Torrey

UpCountry has just received a huge closeout of Hardy Zenith and Hardy
Proaxis X fly rods. As anyone who has been in earshot of me over the
last few years knows, these are my absolutely favorite fly rods. These
rods use Sintrix, a technology licensed from 3M which makes them
stronger and nearly unbreakable under normal fishing condtions. You can
find them in our flyshop or in our online store at a great discount. -

The Farmington
is currently 252cfs through the Catch & Release area
(220 from dam in Riverton, 32 from the Still River) this morning- this is a
medium-low flow, very fishable & easily wadeable. Rain is in the forecast for this afternoon, and Monday/Tuesday also, this will likely up the flows over the next couple of day. As I write this, it's mild & cloudy outside. Dry fly fishing
has been excellent at moments, with trout rising throughout the day- make sure to move around if you are not doing well in one spot, don't be a stick-in-the-mud. #16 Sulphurs have been on the water in the evenings and catching trout from
Unionville through the lower & middle reaches of the Catch & Release area. The further you go downriver, the better they are
hatching, they will move upriver a bit each day. June is normally the peak month or Sulfurs on the Farmington.
are strongest hatch on the river currently, so have #14-18 in your box,
in both
body and Tan body colors. Winter/Summer Caddis #18-22 have been hatching
well in early mornings in
the Catch & Release area (normally
early to mid mornings), with adults
on the water in the afternoon
and evening, and pupa very active subsurface in the mornings. You
may still see a few Hendrickson Spinners #12-14 in evenings
in the Riverton area only,but that hatch is pretty much done. Blue Wing Olives duns
emergers #18-24
have been on the river
during the day this past week, as well with their spent form- the
Spinner #18-24 showing in the late afternoon and evening. March
Browns/Grey Fox #10-14 are showing up in the late
afternoon and evening. Look for March Brown/Grey Fox Spinners (sz 10-14) in the
hour before dark.
Pupa & Larva in both olive/green & tan #14-18, Hare's Ear soft
hackles #12-16,
Golden Stoneflies #8-12, Pheasant
Tails #14-20, March Brown/Gray Fox Nymphs #10-14, Fox Squirrel Nymph #10-14, Prince Nymph #12-18.
Streamers are working well in the early morning and again toward dark- look for low-light conditions for best results.
UpCountry Sportfishing is always looking for
good used fly fishing gear for cash and trade. This is how we get those
great items we list on our website and you see on our racks. We buy fly
rods, reels, quality classic bamboo, and fly tying equipment etc. Bring
in your old items and we can help turn them into something new. Call