We are open for business: Monday through Friday 8am-6pm, and Saturday
& Sunday 8am-5pm. When entering the store please maintain a 6ft
distance from other customers and per the governor's decree, you must
wear a mask/face covering of some sort inside the store. We are happy to
deliver curbside if you are uncomfortable shopping inside. Just give us
a call.
We've received a literal pile of inventory items over the
past week, our leader/tippet wall is virtually full and no longer
looks like a checkerboard. The counter fishbowls are once again full with
economical hemostats & nippers. We have 5+ Lamson Liquid reels (the
#5/6 size, and perfect for most Euro rods) in stock now, and a bunch
more fly lines. Flyagra floatant is back in stock, as are Fishpond Net
Magnets. We have virtually all sizes of Maxima Chameleon.
FYI we have plenty of the hard to find "magic" UTC Sculpin Olive wire in the ever popular Brassie size (for Lance Egan's "Thread Frenchy" nymph), as well as size Small.
Hot New Rods:
The brand new T&T Contact II series in
10' #2, 10' #3, 10' 9" #3, and 10' 9" #4, with the 11' 2" #3 coming
later this Summer (mid/late August). New improved materials, new guide spacing , downlock
seats are standard now (to better balance, and a new fighting
butt design that is more comfortable. Recovery is noticeably better, and
the actions "tweaked" for more big fish playing power. The blanks are
incredibly strong and much much harder to
break. These rods are easy to cast, will give you more distance, and they deliver with
accuracy. Retail is $825.

Their first nymphing clinic filled up in 2-3 days, so Antoine Bissieux & DJ Clement are putting on a second
Advanced Modern Euro Nymphing clinic on Saturday August 29nd from 9am-5pm, cost will be $125, class is
limited to 8P. The above link is clickable and will take you to
the page with all the details about this class. Learn what the top
competitive anglers from France, Spain, Czech Repbulic & Poland are
doing to outfish everybody else. This is an intermediate level class, make sure you have a good grasp of euro nymphing techniques before signing up.
The Farmington is medium/medium low at 263cfs total flow this morning. The water coming out of the dam was 51.5 degrees in Riverton at 6am this morning, with the rest of the river averaging mid 50s to the
low/mid 60s in mid to late afternoons. Water temps start to cool as soon
as the sun goes off the water.
You can still fish at least up to 15 miles below the dam all the way
down to Canton, and when we are getting cooler nights you can even fish
the mornings in Collinsville/Unionville- but by late morning I'd be
working upriver for cooler water temps as the lower river warms up from
the sun by lunchtime.
I ventured out last night from 6pm until about 8:30. I worked hard for a handful of beat up Rainbows in my first spot, there where a good number of Isonychia hatching. After I left there, it took some driving to find a spot I wanted to fish that was also unoccupied, people were in the "B" & "C" water all over the place, so I kept driving upriver for miles until I found some solitude. In a fast, cold, mid thigh deep pocket at dusk I connected with what I thought was an above average Bow, and it took me downriver and then ran back up, but no jumping. I started to suspect it might be a big brown as it took me downstream again and stayed on the bottom, shaking it's head. I finally got a look at it's coppery sides when I worked it into a slower pocket, and comfirmed it was indeed a big brown. 30 seconds later a big wild (I think) female brown graced my landing net at 8:25pm, and I breathed a big sigh of relief after a 3 minute touch-n-go fight in some pretty fast water. After a few pics I decided to end the evening on a high note.

The dry fly fishing is currently
very good, and if you choose to you could probably fish them all day long and catch fish, at moments matching the hatch with rising trout, and at other moments fishing them blind over likely looking water. Peak hatch times are generally morns & eves, but trout can be
caught on the surface in midday too. Dry/Dropper is also very effective
with a small weighted nymph trailed 18-30" below a larger buoyant dry
fly. Nymphing the fast water, either Euro or with an Indy, is almost
always effective. Just make sure to fish a pair of nymphs, and make sure
one of them is small (as in a #18 or so, give or take). Dominant
hatches include Summer/Winter Caddis #18-24 (mid/late morns) &
Needhami #20-26 (have duns & spinners), assorted Blue Winged Olives
#18-26 at various times during the day, and #10-12 Isonychia (later in
the day, faster water only). Still seeing Attenuata #18-20 (eves, hatch is moving upriver),
assorted Caddis #14-22 (tan, brown, black, olive/green), various
Cahills/Summer Stenos (eves), assorted spinners (especially Rusty), and
the big Varia/Potamanthus #8-12 (eves, slow water). Beetles & Ants
are great midday choices when hatches are sparse.
If you are subsurface, smaller nymphs #16-20 predominate, but... big
Stoneflies pull big trout in the early/mid morns, and later in the day
big Isonychia nymphs can catch big fish too. Just make sure one of your
two nymphs (assuming a double rig) is a smaller one, some days it makes
all the difference. Trout are eating plenty of Caddis Pupa in the first
half of the day FYI. A small Mayfly type nymph is a good choice with all
the Blue Winged Olives hatching lately, but small gaudy/flashy
attractor style nymphs can be very good too. In the early to mid AM, streamers, nymphs and
dries are all possibilities. Match the hatch if you have risers, chuck
streamers for big fish, blind fish big Stoneflies in the fast water, or
try a Dry/Dropper rig.

A lot of
anglers are reporting big creamish yellow #8-12 Mayflies in the evenings
in the slow water (prob mainly Varia, aka the "Yellow Drake", maybe
some Potamanthus mixed in too) all over the river. You may not see
Isonychia hatching in big numbers, but despite that trout are always on the
lookout for that big #10-12 bug, both the dry and the nymph. The bugs
you will see hatching will depend upon which section of the river you
are in, and the water type (fast, medium, or slow)
FYI many of you are telling me you are seeing small Sulfurs hatching all
over the river in the evenings. The actual Sulfurs (Dorothea, Invaria)
are only up in Riverton now, close to the dam in coldest water. Just
like every other hatch, they start downriver and work their way
upriver. Many of these reports are actually Attenuata, which would more
accurately be lumped in with Blue Wing Olives. If you grab one in hand however,
they are a bright greenish yellow, verging on chartreuse, and their
wings & legs are cream colored. They run #18-20, and most commonly
hatching in the evenings, although you may see them in mid/late
afternoon when you are upriver closer to Riverton. FYI the winged Dun
emerges from the nymph on the stream bottom, and then rises/swims to the
surface, and then the Dun rides the surface like a typical mayfly.
All methods are currently producing well: Dry Flies, Dry/Dropper, Nymphing (both Euro & Indicator), Streamers,
and Wet Flies/Soft Hackles. If you haven't yet tried it, Dry/Dropper
a buoyant dry like a terrestrial (Beetles, big Ants), Isonychia,
Stimulator, or other attractor dry, and a small weighted nymph (#16-18)
dropped underneath it, is both very fun and quite effective. 18-24" is a good
starting distance between flies, but
go longer if you aren't catching fish or you are in deeper water. FYI
bug activity has
many quality trout holding in shallower, broken water. Don't
limit yourself to only waiting for bugs and rising trout, as some days
you won't be in the right spot, or maybe you don't want to brave the
often crowded conditions in the popular, known "dry fly" pools. Dry/Dropper
lets you have the pleasure of fishing a dry, and some fish WILL eat the
dry. You can also blind fish the same type dries with no trailing
If you are dry fly fishing to rising trout during a hatch,
the bugs as closely as you can, paying close attention to fly profile
& stage (Mayfly, Caddis, emerger,
dun/adult, spinner, etc.), the size, and the approximate color. Doesn't
matter if you cannot ID the bug or know the Latin name, just match what
it looks like, paying close attention to the size and making an
accurate, drag-free drift. At this point in the season, all the trout
have seen a ton of fake flies and real bugs, so you need to be on your
"A" game to fool them. Get as close to the as you can, and use a long
tippet (3-4' or even longer if it's not windy) to help get a drag-free
float. If you get a few accurate
natural presentations with no takers or you get a visible refusal,
either change flies or move to another fish. A refusal means you are
close, but something isn't quite right (size is slightly off, color
isn't right, they want an emerger, etc.). As a last resort, sometimes a
gentle twitch when the fly is a couple of feet above the trout will seal
the deal. But sometimes it will spook them, so do that judiciously.
Caddis dries fished in riffly water often fish better when you twitch
& skate them, they are a very active insect.
Streamer fishing is an option
if you want a change from dries & nymphs, especially on overcast days. Low light conditions and
increased flows make for a better streamer bite- the biggest trout will
often be near structure like big rocks, undercut banks, downed trees,
etc. Olive is a good starting color for streamers, but it's important to
change colors (black, brown, tan, yellow, two-tone, etc.), fly size,
fly type, retrieve, depth fished, etc.
Be aware that bug activity varies from day to day and section to section, but also depending upon
water type.
Don't look for Isonychia 200 yards down a pool in the flat water, as
they are a fast water insect and that's where you will normally find them, at the
pool heads and in pocket water/faster water. I hear customers tell me
there were "no bugs", but then I find out they were fishing early
afternoon in flat/slow water on a bright sunny day and expecting to see
Iso's. Do your homework and learn at least a little about major hatches
(e.g. Iso's, Sulfurs) that are common and last a while. Sulfurs
typically are seen in medium-slow to medium-fast water. Mayfly Spinner
falls occur over riffles & pocket water. Caddis most commonly hatch
& egg-lay in riffles and faster water. Big trout will often drop
into the tails of pools in the evenings to feed. Bottom line is that if
you aren't seeing bugs, move around to different water types, and move
up & down the river.
There are truly no secret "hot spots". The entire stretch of river from the
dam in Riverton down to Unionville (20+ miles), has trout spread
throughout it in very good numbers. Big trout are scattered throughout
the entire river. This
is not a river where you have to be in one of only a handful of spots to
do well. The trout are truly everywhere, a mix of 2020 stockers,
multi-year holdovers, and plenty of wild fish too. Excellent habitat and
many miles
of cold water means the trout exist in good numbers all over the river.
Yes, the 6.2 mile permanent TMA/C&R (catch & release) likely
has the highest density of trout, but.... the rest of the river holds a lot of trout too, and some
really good ones. Most years I catch my biggest trout
of the permanent TMA/C&R. Go out of your way to explore new water on the
Farmington, drive until you see some juicy looking new water unoccupied
by other
anglers and explore it, I think you will be pleasantly surprised
If you are fishing wets/soft-hackles (and you
should be sometimes), try a 2-3 fly rig, on tag end
droppers about 24-30" apart. During hatching activity where you see bugs and
occasional rising trout, keep all your flies unweighted and fish near
the surface. If it's slow and trout don't seem willing to move to your wets, use a lightly to moderately weighted
soft-hackle or nymph on the point position to get your rig down deeper
where the trout are. Throw across & slightly upstream and make an upstream
mend to sink your flies, let them dead-drift (watch your fly line tip
for subtle strikes), and then let them do the traditional wet fly swing-
expect strikes especially at the 3/4 downstream point when your flies
rise toward the surface. At the end of the drift let them dangle for
several seconds, then twitch them up & down a couple of times. Add
some slight rod tip twitches during some drifts, and on others just let
them drift. Keep your rod tip up around 10 o'clock during the entire
drift for tippet protection, better fly animation, and better hook-ups- this creates very
slight controlled slack you need so trout can inhale your fly and not
short strike it. This technique is great for covering riffle & pool
water where the trout are spread out and can be anywhere, the kind of
water that can be difficult/challenging to nymph.
Current Store Hours:
8am-6pm Monday through Friday, and 8am-5pm on weekends.
Farmington is currently medium/medium-low at a nice total flow of 263cfs total flow
the permanent TMA/Catch & Release (C&R) area, and averaging in
the mid 50s to low/mid 60s for
water temps on most of the river, depending upon the weather, river
section, and time of day. Riverton is 253cfs from the dam on the West
Branch, and the Still River is adding
in an
additional 10cfs below it's junction with the West
Branch. 6am Riverton
water temp was 51.5 degrees this morning, downstream water temps are
higher (50s-60s), temps will rise during the day.Water temps are a non-issue at least as far down as Canton, and mornings are currently still at trout-friendly temps as far downstream as Collinsville/Unionville. Work your way upriver on hot/sunny days as the day progresses, that way you will stay in cooler water.